It can be so hard to dance that fine line between too much food & too little food before a workout...
There's a few rules I try to s
tick to when it comes to fuelling my workouts.
#1 The 2 Hour Rule
I will eat a meal up to 2 hours before a workout - no closer.
If I'm short on time & s t a r v i n g - I'll have a small, wholefood snack. That way I'm fuelled but I'm not full.
#2 Avoid Heavy Fats
Whatever meal I eat prior to a workout, I make sure to keep heavy fats to a minimum. These take the longest to digest so you're more likely to be tasting that avo toast half way through the workout!
#3 Consider Your Workout
The type of workout you're planning on having can impact what you should eat prior! If I'm doing a gassy, sweaty, fast workout - I keep it light, carby & small. If I'm planning a heavy, slower, longer workout - I go heavier on the calories with more complex carbs.
My go-to pre-workout meals...